HomeHEALTH & WELLNESS11 Signs You're Not Getting Enough Nutrition

11 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Nutrition

Extreme diets, a lot of stress, a new love, or an illness can tempt us to eat less than is good for us for a while. Malnutrition may only change the number on the scale in the short term, but it is incredibly unhealthy in the long time. Find out here how you can tell that your nutrient intake is not sufficient.

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11 Signs Of Malnutrition

With malnutrition, you harm your body more than you do it well. Even if your goal is to lose weight, you should ensure sufficient nutrient intake and not save in the wrong place. Sometimes we are unaware that we are eating too little – for example when we are under stress or are newly in love. So be alert and pay attention to your body’s signals.

But how do you recognize possible malnutrition? Here are eleven typical signs:

You Don’t Feel Hungry

If you reduce your nutrient intake, for example, as part of a crash diet, your stomach will growl quite often at first. But the body works efficiently. The metabolism adapts to the lower energy balance and slows down its activities. One consequence of this austerity measure can be that you no longer feel hungry when it is about time to eat something.

You Have Constant Food Cravings

Malnutrition can also cause you to have constant cravings. The hormone ghrelin can be to blame for this. It unfolds its appetizing effect when you have not eaten for a long time. Then the ghrelin concentration in the blood increases and signals to the body: It’s high time to eat something, and fast! Crash diets can ensure that the ghrelin level is permanently increased, and you can hardly control your cravings.

You Feel Drained

Food is energy – and our organism needs a lot of it to function properly every day. Reducing the energy supply will take revenge quickly: you feel more exhausted than usual and may be tired all the time. You find it harder to get out of bed in the morning or finish a jog. If you see any of these signs, you should keep an eye on your energy balance.

Not sure how to calculate them?

You Often Feel Dizzy

If you don’t eat enough, your blood sugar level will plummet. This can manifest itself in dizziness. A lack of fluids can also cause dizziness. Drinking plenty of water is just as important as eating enough. Make sure you have something diminutive, especially in the morning – like a handful of nuts, an apple with nut butter, or a protein shake. The nutritious kick helps catapult your blood sugar levels to a stable level.

Necessary: Feelings of dizziness can, of course, also have other causes. If you suffer from it more often, it is best to consult a doctor.

You Find It Difficult To Concentrate

Are you in the supermarket and don’t know what you want to buy? Or do you forget essential appointments and have trouble focusing on your work? Malnutrition can reduce your ability to concentrate. So if you notice the so-called “brain fog” in you, think about when you last ate something. It may be time to start feeding your body.

You Have Brittle Nails And Hair Loss

Our body needs energy, many essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Among other things, these are responsible for beautiful skin, strong nails, and healthy hair. If you deny your body enough micronutrients, this can quickly manifest itself in physical symptoms such as impure skin, brittle fingernails, or increased hair loss.

Tip: Super beauty foods with good ingredients include spinach, oatmeal, berries, legumes, organic salmon, and eggs.

You Feel Cold All The Time

Have you been freezing lately, even though you’re wrapped up warm, or the temperatures are summary? Then this could be a sign that your body lacks energy. The organism uses the available calorie reserves to keep essential functions such as breathing and digestion running. In return, the body temperature is lowered.

You’re Thirstier Than Usual

We also get liquid through food. For example, there is a lot of water in cucumbers, watermelons, lettuce, zucchini, and tomatoes. If you find yourself getting thirstier and reaching for a glass of water lately, it could be a sign that you’re not eating enough.

You Suffer From Mood Swings

Maybe you’re one of those who gets in a bad mood when hungry? The term “hangry” has become common for this state of mind. One reason is that malnutrition can raise cortisol levels. The stress hormone is not necessarily a culprit, but a chronic excess can lead to sleep deprivation, fat storage, and memory loss, among other things. So the next time you feel hungry, follow your body’s signals and eat something instead. Fruit, vegetables, nuts, or a healthy bar can quickly get you out of the doldrums.

Your Menstruation Stops

If women limit their calorie intake over a more extended period and do a lot of exercises, this can mess up their cycle. Malnutrition is associated with missed periods and menstrual irregularities. After all, our hormones need sufficient nutrients to regulate fertility. How’s your rule? It could be an indication that you should take a close look at your diet.

You Don’t Lose Any Weight Despite Dieting

A calorie deficit is supposed to help you lose weight, but your weight has stagnated for some time. Maybe you’re eating too little. Your metabolism adapts to the low energy intake. As a result, the body burns fewer calories with the same level of activity. In this case, it makes sense to increase your daily energy balance by around 200 to 300 kCal, i.e., eat a little more – preferably high-quality and healthy food, of course!

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