HomeFITNESSApple And Carrot Smoothie For Weight Loss

Apple And Carrot Smoothie For Weight Loss

This smoothie can be prepared in no time and ideal as a small snack to take away. The combination of apple, banana, carrot, and orange makes it a vitamin bomb. In addition, it contains carotenoids, which are found in the plant kingdom as yellow-red colorings, e.g., B. stands out in carrots, tomatoes, and pumpkins. Carotenoids can prevent aggressive oxygen compounds from attacking the genetic material and the vessel walls. Our bodies can best absorb them from chopped vegetables with a bit of fat.

  • Dish – Drink / juice / smoothie
  • Properties – think, low-protein, high-energy, gluten-free, lactose-free, vegetarian
  • Complaints – loss of appetite, unwanted weight loss, the feeling of fullness
  • Working Hours – 10 minutes
  • Cooking / baking time- 5 minutes
  • Total Time -15 minutes
  • Servings – 4 servings


  • Two carrots (approx. 160 g)
  • One apple (approx. 100 g)
  • One ripe banana (approx. 120 g)
  • 300 ml carrot juice
  • 200 ml orange juice
  • 2 tbsp liquid honey
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  • Peel the carrots and cut them into small pieces.
  • Wash, quarter, and core the apple and cut it into small cubes.
  • Peel and cut the banana.
  • Put the carrot pieces, apple pieces, banana pieces, carrot juice, honey, and oil in a blender and puree until creamy.
  • Mix in the orange juice. Makes four glasses.


It can be frozen excellently and sucked as ice if necessary.

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

  • Portion: 220 g | Calories: 153 kcal | Carbohydrates: 28 g | Protein: 1.6 g | Fat: 3 g | Dietary fiber: 2.7 g
  • The recommended amount of pancreatic enzymes per serving: 6,000 IU
  • Included 5-a-day servings of vegetables per serving: approx. 1
  • Included 5-a-day servings of fruit per serving: approx. 0.75

Also Read: These Five Oils Will Help You Lose Weight, Thanks To Healthy Fats

Healthy Naps
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