HomeBEAUTY TIPSClementine Peels Six Clever Ways To Recycle Them!

Clementine Peels Six Clever Ways To Recycle Them!

We love clementines for the shot of freshness they offer us, but also because the peels of this small citrus fruit, a hybrid of mandarin, allow for super clever recycling; proof by 6!

To Enhance The Flavor Of Herbal Tea!

Know that the flavor of clementine goes wonderfully with that of verbena. Also, prepare a hot drink in which, in addition to the verbena sachet, you will infuse clementine bark that you previously left to dry in the oven or in the open air. Obviously, for this kitchen tip, we will prefer organic clementines that have not been treated with pesticides.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Clementine?

This small orange fruit, the fourth most consumed fruit in India, is the star of winter fruits. The clementine is distinguished by its long green leaves because of a natural cross between the mandarin flower and the orange tree pollen. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants (consuming two a day covers half of our daily needs), it helps fight against fatigue. In addition, it is an ally for a stunning effect!

How To Choose The Right Clementines?

Trust your sense of smell, and it will be your best guide to selecting your clementine, which must be fragrant. To the touch, it should be firm. Its orange color is not necessarily a sign of maturity; it may retain its green tint when ripe. The skin should stick to the flesh. Otherwise, the fruit may be already dried out.

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How To Cook Clementine?

Just peel it before use. In its most usual form, it is eaten raw, both in salty and sweet versions: in a fruit salad, as a topping of fromage blanc, in a salad, or even in a fish marinade. But it is just as delicious cooked, pan-fried for a few minutes in butter to caramelize it, or roasted in the oven. Enjoy it in a pie, poached in syrup, or in a sauce to accompany a piece of meat. His best associations? Carrot, chocolate, and fennel.

How To Properly Store Clementines?

It can be kept for a few days at room temperature in a fruit basket, away from direct sunlight and heat. To extend its shelf life to about ten days, you can put it in the refrigerator tray. The loose quarters eventually freeze.

Why Does The Clementine Have This Name?

The clementine owes its name to its inventor, Vital Rodier, in religion, brother Clément. From the end of the 19th century, this French agronomist monk took care of the garden and the plantations of the orphanage of Misserghin, a small Algerian town in the region of Oran.

With the help of botanist Louis-Charles Trabut, president of the Algerian Horticultural Society, the clergyman tried to cross a mandarin tree with an orange tree. Result? A new seedless fruit that is easier to peel than the mandarin, enough to bring joy to the children of the Misserghin orphanage. First called “mandarin,” the citrus fruit was finally baptized “clementine” in homage to the man of the Church, on the initiative of Louis-Charles Trabut.

How To Recycle Clementine Peels?

If there is a fruit that makes us love the cold seasons, it is the clementine! The small citrus fruit from a cross between a mandarin and an orange, like a shot of freshness to gently conclude our meals or offer us a healthy snack. A fruit whose peels can be recycled like many other citrus fruits. Barks that will indeed find material to sublimate the flavor of a verbena herbal tea, to enrich a compost, to metamorphose into delicious candies, or even to deodorize the most malodorous corners of your house. A clementine whose delicious quarters remember, we protect against colds and other winter infections thanks to their high vitamin C content, which they are full of.

Clementine And Mandarin: What’s The Difference?

A hybrid of the mandarin, the clementine is less fragrant in taste than its cousin; indeed, although containing the same sugar content, you will find that mandarins are tarter than clementines. Another difference is that clementine is a darker orange than mandarin; likewise, its skin is smoother, whereas tangerine is rougher.

A texture that also facilitates its peeling, hence the fact that it is so appreciated and even more so because the clementine does not generally contain seeds. The clementine, which, like mandarin, can be kept for six days in the open air, has a future that will increment to 10 days on the off chance that you choose to keep it in the vegetable cabinet of your refrigerator.

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