Coronavirus: Tips For Care And Time At Home

Like most, you probably wonder how best to manage your time at home during the corona phase and what to watch out for. We’ll give you some tips on preparing and how to keep eating well and staying active.

Take Care Of Your Sanity

Stress can also put a strain on our immune system and make us more prone to disease. Therefore you should try to minimize stress. The following tips could help you improve your mental health:

  • Create a structure for the day. For example, set specific time windows for reading the news if you are nervous about the flood of information.
  • Don’t expect too much from yourself! Set Small Goals Every Day, e.g., 5 minutes of shoulder exercises, 20 minutes of relaxation, contact with a person, drinking tea in the fresh air.
  • Do relaxation or meditation exercises. Instructions can be found on YouTube, for example, and there are also various meditation apps.
  • Even sports units can help to cope with stress.
  • Avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms for stress, such as alcohol consumption.
  • Take on various activities (e.g., play evenings with people in the same household, reading, doing handicrafts, learning a language).
  • Get in touch with friends and other family members. Use video calls or other means of communication for this purpose 4
  • Set up a cozy corner and plan to spend an hour there every day.
  • Get some fresh air. If possible, take a short walk, or hang out in the garden or on the balcony.
  • If you feel down or alone, you can take advantage of telephone conversation offers. In many cities and municipalities, volunteers not only offer shopping services but are also available for phone calls. You can reach the telephone counseling

Moving Is Also Possible At Home!

You can strengthen your immune system through regular exercise. Your body is better protected against pathogenic bacteria and viruses and will recover faster in the event of illness. 5 There are many ways to keep fit at home too:

  • Everyday exercises such as walking up and down stairs or doing squats.
  • Workouts via platforms such as YouTube (yoga, gymnastics, dancing, etc.).
  • Use ready-made online sports programs from various providers or apps.
  • Perform exercises with your equipment, such as Thera bands, exercise balls, chairs, dumbbells, or simply water bottles.

More Ideas For Employment At Home

  • Dedicate yourself to things you would otherwise never have time for (e.g., designing photo albums, cleaning out cupboards).
  • Keep in touch with your loved ones via phone calls, video calls, or text messages.
  • Allow yourself some time for yourself (e.g., taking a hot bath, reading, listening to audiobooks, meditating)
  • Further training against boredom (e.g., learning a new language or an instrument – many online offers are currently available free of charge)
  • Trying out new things (e.g., sewing, cooking a new dish)
  • Take advantage of cultural offers on the Internet. Numerous museums, musicians, orchestras, etc., currently offer free access to concerts or virtual visits.

Observe General Hygiene Tips

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and lukewarm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid hugs, kisses, or handshakes in greeting.
  • Sneeze and cough into the crook of your arm or sleeve.
  • Avoid crowded places and peak hours (e.g., when shopping).
  • If you feel sick, stay home and report your symptoms to your doctor or the local health department. 1 If both your doctor and the health authorities are closed; you can call the national patient service number

Healthy Naps

Healtynaps is a reliable online destination for those eager, enthusiastic, and empathetic about the fitness and wellness of a healthier life.

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Healthy Naps