Fish: Characteristics, Nutritional Values, Freshness

Fish is a food rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and micronutrients. We should familiarize ourselves with the attributes, healthy benefits, properties, and how to perceive new fish. Fish plays a significant role in human nutrition and can be defined as a functional food that, in addition to providing nutrients, can improve general health and well-being and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Fish is made up of proteins rich in essential amino acids, that is, amino acids that our body is unable to synthesize and which it must take in through the diet, such as:

  • lysine
  • methionine
  • cysteine ​
  • threonine
  • tryptophan

Furthermore, it is a valuable source of micronutrients and good fats. Let’s learn better what fish types are in Italy and all the benefits!

Fish, One Of The Products Of Fishing

The term ” fish ” often refers erroneously to all fish products; however, among these, it is necessary to make an important distinction between:

  • Fish (strictly speaking): vertebrate animals endowed with an internal skeleton;
  • Crustaceans: aquatic arthropods supported with a more or less rigid external frame called the carapace, such as scampi, lobsters, and shrimps;
  • Mollusks: invertebrate animals equipped with a shell that can:
  • Be external and single as in gastropods, external and divided into two valves as in bivalve mollusks (e.g., mussels, clams), or internal as in:
  • Cephalopod mollusks (e.g., octopuses, cuttlefish, squid);
  • Echinoderms: radially symmetrical filter-feeding animals, such as the sea urchin.

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Fatty, Semi-Fatty, And Lean Fish

Fish can be defined as lean, semi-fat, and fatty depending on the percentage of fat it has, in particular:

  • Very lean fish ( white fish ): has less than 1% fat, among which we find cod, hake, prawns, skate;
  • Bony fish: it can have from 1% to 3% fat, among which we find sole, sea bass, turbot, cuttlefish, squid, mussels, and clams;
  • Semi-fatty fish: it can have from 3% to 10% fat, among which we find tuna, swordfish, red mullet, sardines, and red snapper;
  • Fatty fish: it has a percentage of fat more significant than 10%, among which we find mackerel and salmon.

Sea Fish

Saltwater fish live in salty waters, such as seas and oceans. There are many species; let’s see now, however, what are some of the fish of our waters:

  • Anchovy
  • Sardine
  • Mackerel
  • Grouper
  • Cod
  • Hake
  • Gilt-head bream
  • Rhombus
  • Monkfish
  • Sole
  • Mullet
  • Shrimp
  • Octopus
  • Mussel
  • Clam
  • Squid
  • Sepia

Freshwater Fish

Freshwater fish live in fresh waters such as rivers and lakes. Living in less salty waters than sea fish, they generally have a more delicate flavor. Among the freshwater fish, we mention :

  • Trout
  • Perch
  • Pike
  • Carp
  • Catfish

Farmed Fish And Wild Fish

Farmed fish and wild fish have different organoleptic and nutritional characteristics due to the type of environment in which these organisms are born and grow. The fish deriving from aquaculture is raised in purified and filtered water and fed with animal and vegetable origin feed. Although this guarantees the product’s safety, the result is a food that is less rich in flavor and nutrients and, in some cases, previously treated with antibiotics and other chemicals.

Wild fish, on the other hand, live and grow according to nature, therefore, in unpurified waters and feeding on what their habitat makes available. The result is, therefore, a richer fish both in flavor and in nutrients, although the final product has a higher cost and the probable risk of deriving from polluted waters.

Fish, Nutritional Values ​​, And Calories

The caloric intake and nutritional values ​​of fish vary significantly according to the category considered and from species to species. Regarding macronutrients, we can generally argue that fish lacks carbohydrates and fiber but is rich in protein. At the same time, the amount of fat varies according to the type of fish (fatty fish, semi-fatty fish, or lean fish). Fish is also rich in micronutrients, including:

  • phosphorus
  • Iodine
  • Zinc

Fish Proteins

On a nutritional level, fish is mainly considered a protein source, accompanied by a portion of complex carbohydrates, good fats, and vegetables, for a balanced meal. In particular, fish is a source of noble proteins, that is, proteins composed of all the essential amino acids (which our body is not able to synthesize and which it must take through the diet), including lysine, methionine, cysteine, threonine, and tryptophan.

Eating Fish Is Good For You

Fish is one of the foods that characterize the Mediterranean diet, which, to date, appears to be a healthy and sustainable diet model, capable of counteracting chronic diseases, such as diabetes 2, tumors, and autoimmune or degenerative diseases. The healthiest and most nutritious fish is oily fish: a group of fish united by the typical blue-blue color of the scales and the presence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Among the types of oily fish, we mention sardines, anchovies, herring, and mackerel. Salmon and tuna, on the other hand, although they are rich in omega-3s, do not fall into this category. The guidelines for healthy eating recommend consuming fish 2-3 times a week; eating fish brings various health benefits. Let’s see what the main ones are:

  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Promotes brain health
  • Exerts antioxidant activity
  • Counteracts inflammatory processes
  • Reduces the risk of diseases associated with inflammation
  • Fights depression.

Also Read: Vegetable Proteins: How To Manage A Meatless Diet

How To Recognize Fresh Fish

Some organoleptic characteristics can help us recognize the freshness of the fish; here are some aspects to pay attention to:

  • The eye must be convex, the cornea transparent, and the pupil black and shiny;
  • The leather must have a bright color;
  • Scales must adhere to the skin;
  • The gills must have a lively red color;
  • The smell of the gills and the abdominal cavity must recall that of marine algae;
  • The meat must be compact and elastic.

The Pescetarian Diet

The pescetarian diet falls into the category of vegetarian diet. However, this does not entirely exclude all foods of animal origin; on the contrary, it includes fish, milk, derivatives, and eggs, thus excluding only meat and products.

Recipes With Fish

Fish is a typical food of the Italian culinary tradition; very often, children do not love it, but it is very versatile in the kitchen, and numerous delicious dishes can be prepared, including fish appetizers, fish main courses, first courses, soups, and meatballs. Here are some examples of fish recipes:

  • Octopus salad: healthy, tasty, and low in calories; therefore also suitable for slimming diets. Especially appreciated during the hot season, vegetables and toasted bread can accompany it.
  • Baked sea bream: a second course that is easily prepared; in fact, it will be sufficient to bake the fish enriched with spices and herbs, wait for it to cook, and enjoy it with a side dish of vegetables and a source of carbohydrates, for example, some baked potatoes.
  • Sea ​​bream baked in foil: in this case, the sea bream is cooked in the oven and wrapped in parchment paper. This cooking method is healthier as it allows you not to add too much fat for seasoning and better preserve the nutritional properties of the fish.
  • Stewed cod fillets: fresh or frozen fish can be used and cooked in a pan with tomatoes, olives, herbs, and spices. A practical, fast, and nutritious second course!
  • Baked salmon: as well as pan or grilled, the steak can be cooked directly in the oven. It will not be necessary to add fat during cooking, as the fats naturally present in the salmon will be partially released into the pan.
  • Cuttlefish with peas: the one with peas is a classic combination of this type of shellfish; it is a low-calorie and delicious dish to be combined with vegetables, a source of good fats, such as extra virgin olive oil, and a carbohydrate source, such as bread or cereal.
  • Stewed squid: they are prepared in a few minutes; it is a quick and healthy recipe, but also very tasty. Stewed squid can be made in white or with tomato sauce.
  • Stuffed squid: a typical dish of the Mediterranean tradition based on squid stuffed with bread and cheese. In this case, it is a complete dish, which a portion of vegetables can accompany.
  • Tuna meatballs: for those who don’t like fish or want to prepare it deliciously, tuna or other fish meatballs can be a valid alternative. However, remember that the ideal healthy cooking would be baked and not fried!

Mercury And Other Metals Present In Fish

Fish and seafood can contain mercury, naturally occurring in their environment or due to pollution. Since sizable predatory fish, including swordfish, accumulate higher levels in their bodies, it is advisable to limit their consumption. For children, women of childbearing age, pregnant, and breastfeeding, a maximum portion of 100 grams per week of swordfish, squaloids, and pike and no more than two portions of tuna are recommended.

The Cost Of The Fish

The cost of fish is highly variable depending on the type and origin. The different cost of the various types of fish has no relation to their nutritional value. The lower cost of production gives the low price of some species due to the abundance of fish in some periods of the year, such for example sardines, anchovies, tunas, and other species of pelagic fish, which are harvested at the time of reproduction in spring, in large groups and therefore are easily and abundantly fished.

Fish And Sustainability

Although fish is an essential source of nutrients and beneficial properties for health, it is crucial to recognize that the fish industry has a significant environmental impact, and this also affects some of the most consumed fish species, such as tuna, salmon, and cod.

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Healthy Naps

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