HomeNUTRITION & RECIPIESThese Are The Foods You Should Consume In Summer

These Are The Foods You Should Consume In Summer

In summer it is key to consume foods that hydrate the body since heat can affect our tension, feel fatigued or with muscle weakness. In summer it is key to consume foods that hydrate the body since heat can affect our tension, feel fatigued or with muscle weakness.

To avoid these dire consequences, you have to consume best foods this time, “because it is not only important to drink water in adequate amounts, it is also important to eat foods that hydrate our body”.

The Salad, An Indispensable Food

Including vegetables on our menu is an excellent idea to beat the summer heat. Various lettuces, cucumbers, radishes, celery … are watery foods and provide us with a large amount of fibre, vitamins and minerals. In addition, its caloric intake is very low.

Therefore, a salad at lunchtime will refresh us and it is also delicious. We can add a handful of chia seeds to add an extra protein. It is a good source of vegetable protein, provides healthy Omega 3 fats, fibre, calcium and is also a source of antioxidants. In addition, if you include it daily, it will provide you with extra perfect energy to face the workday.

“Including vegetables on our menu is an excellent idea to beat the summer heat”

It is common to share it, but it is also great as a first course. Why? Because if we take food with fibre in the first place it will help us control the desire to eat and thus we will be “more cautious” with the second, which is usually a source of protein or carbohydrates (usually with more calories).

Another reason to take it in the first place is the glycemic index of food. If we eat the portion of vegetables or salads first, our blood glucose levels will not rise as much as if we do it in reverse. The glycemic index affects us directly when it comes to storing fat. Therefore, if we do it this way we will control our glucose levels.

Also Read: What Are The Best Foods For Your Body?

Meat And Fish, Don’t Forget To Include Them

In addition to seasonal fruits and vegetables, we cannot forget the proteins provided by meat and fish.

The most recommended meats for their high protein value are chicken and turkey. Either of these two options, grilled, go great after a good salad. We can even make it a unique dish if we add the chicken to the salad. In this way, we will have a delicious caesar salad. We can incorporate some croutons and pine nuts.

“The most recommended meats for their high protein value are chicken and turkey.”

Another perfect summer option is chicken or turkey fajitas. We will only need some wheat cakes, grilled chicken breast, red and green peppers and a little onion (if we like spicy we can add Tabasco or chilli sauce). It is a quick dish to prepare, simple and very healthy. Sauté the vegetables with a little Arbequina extra virgin olive oil, then add the chicken, brown it and fill our fajitas.

But … what about fish? In summer the most recommended are whites. Baked sea bass or sea bream is a perfect plan. We can accompany them with a garnish of vegetables. But hake, emperor or grilled rooster or as an ingredient in a salad are also recommended. For example, the belly salad with piquillo peppers.

Another option, chop a few crab sticks with a little avocado and bonito from the north.

A few white prawns baked with a touch of garlic and parsley as an appetizer feel great with the heat of summer. You will have them ready in just 10 minutes and if you make them in the oven they will be lighter.

“Consuming 5 pieces a day is essential because they are a good source of water and therefore have high moisturizing power.”

And if you want more ideas, cook some delicious garlic eel or lazariñas, without a doubt the perfect dinner!

Also Read: Perfect Recipes For A Summer Snack

The Fruits, Good Allies

They are essential at this time. Consuming 5 pieces a day is essential because they are a good source of water and therefore have high moisturizing power, key to coping with high temperatures. The best, without a doubt, the seasonal ones (such as melon, watermelon or apples), because they make the most of their nutrients, and better from nearby areas than from distant countries.

These are some of its advantages: they are sweet, but they do not provide excess calories; its vitamins have anti-stress properties; They are a good source of B vitamins that provide us with energy and help us maintain a healthier nervous system. provide vitamin C that prevents and fight infection; and they are rich in beta-carotene, a vegetable pigment found in fruits (and also in vegetables) of red, yellow or orange, green colours… with a high antioxidant power that helps to strengthen the immune system.

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