HomeFITNESSLose Weight Permanently: The Four Best Diets With Long-Term Success

Lose Weight Permanently: The Four Best Diets With Long-Term Success

There are many diets, but which one provides the desired long-term success to reduce our weight and feel good permanently? We took a closer look at some diet concepts.

Finally! Ten kilos are down – even after two years! Losing weight is not that difficult. There are enough diets. But maintaining that lost weight over the years is the real challenge.

Lightning diets like the lemon diet promise big weight loss in a short amount of time. Due to the yo-yo effect, the weight is back on your hips a little later than nobody wants.

So that this doesn’t happen to you, we spoke to nutrition expert Antje Gahl from the Society for Nutrition. She gave us the five best diets that you can use to change your diet in the long term and keep your desired weight for a lifetime.

The Secret Of These Diets: There are no bans. You can eat anything but in the right amounts. Instead of constant hunger and frustration, you will learn which foods are good for you and how to prepare them in a healthy and low-calorie way using simple recipes. When it comes to changing your diet, it’s up to you, because you have to change your old habits and establish new ones that are more suitable.

Permanently Slim: Volumetrics

With Volumetrics or the energy density principle, counting calories is a thing of the past. You lose weight quickly and easily by changing your eating habits a bit.

How Volumetrics Works:

With Volumetrics, foods are grouped based on their volume. The theory is that we get full after eating a certain amount of food, not after a certain number of calories. Vegetables and fruit, for example, are very rich in water and therefore have a lot of volumes but only a few calories. Whole grain products and low-fat dairy products, meat and fish, are also recommended for Volumetrics. On the other hand, fast food, ready meals, sweets and chips are low in volume but high in calories and should only be eaten in small amounts.

The Assessment By Antje Gahl:

Volumetrics is based on recommendations that the DGE has been issuing for years. This change in diet is well suited as an introduction to a balanced diet, and if you also limit the amount of food, it leads to permanent weight loss.

Permanently Slim: Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers count points instead of calories. The weight loss program has been around for many years, both with group meetings and as a purely online version.

How Weight Watchers Works:

Weight Watchers sorts groceries by points. Each program participant has a certain number of points per day that they can eat. Additional points can be gained through sport. In addition to group meetings, the program offers a large online platform with lots of tips and recipes.

The Assessment Of Antje Gahl:

Weight Watchers is a very flexible concept that can be adapted to individual needs. It is based on a reduced-calorie, balanced mixed diet but can also be used by vegetarians. The program is particularly suitable for anyone who wants to lose weight in a group.

Permanently Slim: Low Fat 30

Instead of carbohydrates, Low Fat 30 focuses on fat intake because high-fat foods are usually real fattening foods.

This Is How Low Fett 30 Works:

Here it is not the calorie but the fat content that counts. Only foods with a maximum fat content of 30 per cent are recommended. In addition to lots of vegetables and fruit, whole grain and low-fat dairy products, meat and fish are on the menu. The diet should be changed permanently.

The Assessment Of Antje Gahl:

Low Fett 30 is a good method for losing weight because it is based on the recommendations of the DGE and is a good introduction to a balanced diet. In addition to the fat content, you should also pay attention to the amount. Eating low-fat foods alone is not enough for everyone.

You should not do without fat completely. Otherwise, fat-soluble vitamins and valuable fatty acids can be neglected.

How ‘I’m Losing Weight’ Works:

‘I’m Losing Weight’ is a 12-week program specifically designed for people with a BMI of 25-35 (excluding high-performance athletes). The focus is on changing eating habits and integrating more exercise into everyday life.

The Assessment Of Antje Gahl:

A good program to permanently change your diet. However, the weight loss is significantly slower than in other programs because the calorie intake is only slightly reduced.

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