HomeBEAUTY TIPSHair Loss: When To Worry About Your Hair?

Hair Loss: When To Worry About Your Hair?

Every time you brush or wash your hair, do you lose dozens of it? This phenomenon is cause for concern because even if hair loss is a normal phenomenon in women when we notice a skull becoming sparse, we ask ourselves questions.

Losing 50 to 100 hairs per day is quite normal for the hair growth cycle. This cycle is divided into 3 phases: hair growth for a maximum of 5 years, a transition period of a few weeks, then a fall phase, which lasts three months and concerns more than 10% of the hair.

Environmental changes (temperature and climate, sun exposure, etc.) can influence the rate of hair growth and health.

Moreover, it seems that in the fall the hair falls out more than the rest of the year: this is what is called seasonal hair loss, or “physiological effluvium”.

But hair loss is also often related to physiological factors in the body, and particular hormonal.

Sometimes – and this is where it can become difficult to live with – hair loss begins to show. a common phenomenon in men, rarer in women.

It is considered that beyond a loss of 100 hairs per day, hair loss is pathological.

So what to do when you notice “abnormal” hair loss? Who and when should you consult? In this file, you will find all the information you need to fight hair loss.

Because be reassured: fortunately, several treatments against hair loss are available, provided that the cause is precisely determined.

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Hair Loss: These Are The Main Causes

If hair loss persists (more than six weeks) or abnormal hair loss has been observed for a few months, the cause should be investigated.

Depending on hair loss characteristics (location, possible associated signs, age, the circumstance of hair loss, etc.), a diagnosis can be made.

Can be at the origin of hair loss “external” factors such as:

  • A dietary deficiency ( lack of iron, protein, zinc.),
  • Stress important
  • A general state of fatigue,
  • Emotional trauma.

Certain diseases can also be the cause of abnormal hair loss:

  • Hormonal disorders such as those of a dysfunction of the thyroid,
  • Lupus,
  • A local mycotic infection.

In all cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will possibly carry out additional examinations.

You can first check that you are not taking any medication that could cause hair loss. It is known that some heavy treatments such as chemotherapy can cause hair loss quite quickly. In most cases, the hair grows back when treatment is stopped, sometimes coarser, curly.

Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Most of the time, hair loss can begin as early as 20 years old due to androgenetic alopecia. It is an individual “over-sensitivity” to male hormones, androgens. This phenomenon is quite often linked to hereditary factors.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

The causes of hair loss in women can be various, but it also happens that the origin is as in men, related to an androgenetic disorder. From menopause, hair follicles become more sensitive to androgens (male sex hormones that women also secreted in small amounts).

Estrogens (female sex hormones) present in large quantities in women play an essential role in countering androgens’ effects. However, at menopause, the concentration of estrogen decreases. Women predisposed to hair loss are likely to have thinner hair.

Note: After childbirth, hair loss is quite average due to the sudden drop in pregnancy hormones. Abnormal hair loss in a woman, therefore requires consultation. After a general clinical examination, and of course of the hair, additional assessments can be carried out, in particular, to know the exact origin of a possible hormonal disorder.

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Hair loss: Treatment

We know more and more about hair loss causes even if, sometimes, the solutions do not always give the expected results, or are quite complicated.

Treatments for Seasonal Hair Loss:

In fall, hair loss would be slightly more pronounced than the rest of the year.

Food Supplements:

  • Although this fall is natural, it may be advisable to make a dietary supplement to provide the hair with the active ingredients (vitamins, iron, zinc) that the hair bulb needs.
  • It is either the trio of vitamins B6 -B5-PP, or food supplements (B vitamins, trace elements, mineral salts, amino acids) sold commercially.

Hair Lotions

The application of hair lotions can sometimes be beneficial; if these products cannot prevent hair loss, they would promote regrowth. The effects would appear after three months of application.

Note: that some of these solutions tend to grease the hair. And that these lotions have the disadvantage of being expensive.

Treatments for Androgenetic Alopecia

In Humans:

In humans, in the case of androgenetic alopecia, local treatment (based on minoxidil) may be considered. 2% or 5% minoxidil is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

These treatments are not reimbursed. There is also an oral treatment, one tablet per day of finasteride 1 mg. This drug can only be obtained by prescription; it is not reimbursed either.

Even if these drugs have proven their effectiveness on hair loss, and sometimes even regrowth (if the bulb is not destroyed), the effect of these treatments is not at all guaranteed to be 100%, each person responding differently.

If no treatment has succeeded, there remains the solution of implants or rather micro-implants, expensive but effective. This technique consists of taking small pieces of skin with hair re-implanted on the bald parts.

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In Women

What treatment for hair loss in women?

In women, if the origin is an androgenetic disorder, local treatment with minoxidil may be advised. Please note that the woman cannot take finasteride. Other times, hormone replacement therapy can help prevent hair loss. Your best bet is to see a general practitioner or dermatologist. Some are specialists in hair problems.

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