HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSHow Confinement Affects mental health during COVID pandemic

How Confinement Affects mental health during COVID pandemic

The coronavirus erupted turning our lifestyle, our routines, our plans and even our emotions upside down; and now we must also adapt to another normality. These situations that we have experienced in just a few months could end up having an impact on mental health. In fact, it is estimated that, as normality recovers, the following could develop:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorders
  • Depressive disorders
  • Fear of leaving home

We tell you what effects have been detected in mental health and how to face the return to normality.

Confinement During COVID-19: How It Affects Mental Health

During confinement, the most frequent consultations have been:

  • Insomnia or problems with rest and increased consumption of hypnotics.
  • Changes in the food and in the activity.
  • Complex feelings like frustration, guilt, helplessness, loneliness and sadness.
  • Anticipatory thinking.
  • Loss of concentration or lack of mood.

Our professional also tells us about the aggravation of anxiety disorders, as another consequence. This is because obsessive and hypochondriacal behaviours have arisen, for fear of catching it, and psychotic episodes, due to Covid-19. Likewise, the prescription of psychotropic drugs has increased, especially in people with previous psychiatric illnesses.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After Confinement

It is one of the possible disorders that can originate after confinement, due to the fact that some people may perceive a risk to their life or that of their relatives, without the need to have really become ill. One of the best Psychologist said that ” 7% of the population of Wuhan has developed a mental disorder known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; which is considered superior due to our social culture “.

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Among The Frequent Symptoms

  • Nightmares.
  • Restlessness.
  • Irritability.
  • Difficult to focus.
  • Constant alertness.
  • Social isolation.
  • Non-voluntary repetitive memories that cause distress.
  • Compulsive behaviours, such as abusing alcohol or eating uncontrollably, which can develop in addition to the previous emotions.

It should be noted that these more psychological symptoms can be reflected in the body, which is known as somatization. Our psychologist describes to us that “due to the state of permanent alertness, muscular pain, headaches, high blood pressure, digestive problems, chest pains, feeling of suffocation, dizziness, tiredness can appear …”. But, when the diagnosis is made in the consultation, our specialists verify that, in fact, they are caused by the prolonged and high release of adrenaline and corticosteroids.

7 Important Guidelines Which Will Help You To Lead Normal Life

  1. Control fear. Our psychologist explains that “we have to work to keep under control the negative and alarming thoughts derived from fear.” This way you will be able to relax the thoughts that come from confusion, fear or nervousness. Keep in mind that uncertainty increases anxiety.
  2. Accept situations that do not depend on you, you can do nothing to change their evolution. Our psychologist adds that “we have an innate ability to adapt to new situations and overcome emotional difficulties that may arise throughout our lives.”
  3. Learn from the experience you have had because this helps you to know your strengths and weaknesses in the face of everyday life situations.
  4. Trust in yourself and others to face adverse situations.
  5. Act responsibly. As our expert recommends, “we must act with control, with responsibility, taking care of ourselves to also take care of others, and we must also take care of ourselves emotionally.”
  6. Take care of your body and mind by doing tasks that keep you active. To this, we must add other beneficial factors for mental health, such as a healthy diet, relaxing activities, an adequate routine for the day, and also and not least, a dosage and selection of information related to Covid-19 since over information is one of the aggravating factors of this type of mental problems.
  7. If you suffer from previous emotional illnesses, their attention is important, since this exceptional situation will increase anxious and depressive symptoms.

Finally, it is essential to request a consultation with the specialist, either face-to-face or telematics, as soon as we detect the first symptoms to obtain a diagnosis. In this way, it is possible to receive adequate treatment to relieve symptoms.

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