How To Lower Fever Naturally?

Fever is a sign that the body is defending itself against an attack, whether viral or bacterial. Lowering the fever can help. Essential oils are effective, but there are also some best practices before taking medication. Let’s find out together how to treat fever naturally.

Fever: Why Does It Happen?

The appearance of a fever could be synonymous with an ongoing infection, but it is not necessary to intervene immediately with medication to bring down the temperature. We only speak of a fever when the body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees. Fever serves to ward off viruses and bacteria by exploiting the high temperature, so it is a very important defense mechanism to make our body inhospitable, thus avoiding the proliferation of microbes.

To obtain an increase in temperature, the hypothalamus, responsible for thermoregulation processes, produces shivers throughout the body: vasoconstriction is thus favored, preventing heat dispersion and increasing the temperature by a few degrees. When the infection begins to decrease, the hypothalamus acts on the contrary, producing vasodilatation accompanied by sweating, which allows heat to be expelled and the temperature to drop. Fever is common, but how can it be treated without necessarily resorting to immediate medication? Some natural remedies can be effective in case of a slight alteration.

Should The Fever Be Lowered?

Fever is manifested by a rise in body temperature beyond the usual 37°. When it lasts and does not manage to go down again, it is necessary to help the body to bring down the fever. There are many clichés to refute about fever. It often happens to panic when a child or an adult has a high fever. In reality, fever is a rise in temperature above 37.5° (according to the WHO) that has existed in animals for 40 million years and is present in all species. When a biological phenomenon persists for a long time, and all animal species are affected by it, it is essential for survival.

Thanks to the increase in temperature, the immunological mechanisms capable of fighting viruses and bacteria work better. And with fever, fewer viruses and bacteria work. Doctors know that a lack of fever in case of serious infections is not at all a good sign; quite the contrary! And they also know that the steady drop in fever leads to longer and worse infectious conditions.

You should, therefore, not be alarmed in the presence of a fever, even if it is high.

Also Read: Fever: Causes, Treatment & Things Worth Knowing

Bring Down The Fever Of Babies And Children

Fever in children? It is not worth panicking, even if it is high. The only situation that should alert parents is fever in very young children (under 6 months) because, in this case, there is often the possibility of a serious bacterial infection that must be diagnosed quickly. The rule is, therefore, not to worry unnecessarily but to have your baby examined during the day. If the child has a fever, manifests a general state of confusion, headaches, stiffness in the neck, vomiting… in short, if the general conditions are not good, the advice is to contact the emergency room.

This also applies to convulsions during mild fever (but always best determined by a doctor) associated with, but not caused by, the fever, which is not prevented by an antipyretic. The other cliché to demystify is the relationship between teething and fever. This is a very common idea among parents. In reality, tooth eruption fever does not exist. It should also be noted that if the fever does not drop, antibiotics are unnecessary and should only be prescribed by the doctor when necessary.

To measure fever, however, using only an electronic digital and underarm thermometer is useful. The rectal passage causes discomfort and can also cause unpleasant accidents. On the other hand, when the child is older (as for adults and the elderly), fever is, in most cases, a symptom that should not worry and, above all, should not even be fought. It is by no means true that beyond a certain threshold (38 – 38.5°), it is necessary to take an antipyretic, paracetamol.

Fever should not be fought as such. An antipyretic should be used if the fever is associated with malaise and pain (headache, muscle pain, joint pain). Paracetamol is the first choice antipyretic; it should be given for the specific purpose of relieving symptoms. If the child is feverish but is doing well, it is not obligatory to resort to medication; it is even a very serious mistake. And this also applies when the fever is very high.

How To Lower A Fever In Older Adults?

In adults (under 65), high fever can be lowered with an antipyretic if the temperature exceeds 38.5° and there are no other associated symptoms. It is advisable to consult a doctor above 39°. The problem is not the fever but the cause that triggered it, the infection the body is fighting against. In older people, the body and the immune system weaken. It is, therefore, very important to follow preventive prophylaxis with the flu vaccine, and it is imperative to consult a doctor immediately at the first symptoms.

After 60-65, the fever rarely reaches high temperatures, but the body finds it more difficult to fight the attack of viruses and bacteria. In the event of a fever, one should always consult a doctor and rest so the body can recover. It is possible to take antipyretics, but it is essential to drink plenty to combat dehydration, which is potentially dangerous at this age.

Lower Fever Naturally

There are plants that, by regulating the sweating process, can help our body disperse heat more quickly. They help to restore the right temperature. This is why they are considered natural aids to lower fever. The evaporation of sweat from the skin, or rather the water it contains, can induce a drop in body temperature.

  • Elderberry. Elderflower extract is used in the formulation of supplements to combat cold disorders. The plant has useful properties for the well-being of the first respiratory tract. Its contribution can regulate the natural process of perspiration and thus promote the body’s thermoregulation.
  • Cinchona. Appreciated since the 16th century as a febrifuge remedy, cinchona is today used for the extraction of quinine. It can help regulate temperature and counter localized states of tension often associated with fever. Quinine salts (particularly the sulfate) have long been used with other antipyretics in treating fevers due to colds. The dominant therapeutic effect is due to the increased irradiation of heat through the skin by peripheral vasodilation and increased sweating.
  • White willow. The bark of the white willow was used in herbal medicine in antiquity. In the texts of Pliny and Hippocrates, the willow is mentioned for its febrifuge properties. The bark extract promotes the regularity of the sweating process and contrasts localized tension. It thus makes it possible to maintain or restore a normal temperature. The active ingredient in the bark is salicylic acid, and its extraction from Salix alba is the origin of aspirin. For this reason, its extract has painkiller and antipyretic properties. It can be taken alone, as a liquid extract, or in synergy with other plants (such as cinchona). As a preventative, other herbs support the immune system and can work synergistically to promote healing.
  • Echinacea. In nature, there are different species of Echinacea, but Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, and Echinacea pallida are used in formulating natural supplements. The extract supports the immune system’s effectiveness and promotes the respiratory tract’s well-being. Although it does not affect the process of thermoregulation, it can help the body defend itself against external agents and quickly restore its balance.

Bring Down Fever With Essential Oils

Eucalyptus radiata (or fever tree) is an essential oil to lower a fever.

  • Febrifuge lowers the temperature of the body.
  • Antibacterial, it acts effectively against viruses and bacteria that cause fever.
  • Strengthening immune defenses stimulates the body.
  • Restores energy by fighting the fatigue that usually accompanies fever.

Other essential oils to choose from:

  • Niaouli essential oil (for children)
  • Tea tree or tea
  • Lavender essential oil 7

How To Use Essential Oils?

  • Dilute in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. 2 drops of radiated eucalyptus essential oil, 2 drops of tea tree essential oil, and 2 drops of niaouli essential oil. Apply to the chest in massage, morning and evening.
  • Dilute 5 drops of tea tree essential oil and 5 drops of lavender essential oil in 1 tablespoon of bath base or sweet almond oil. Pour into the hot bath and stay there for fifteen minutes.
  • Dilute 2 drops of lavender essential oil and 2 drops of tea tree essential oil in a tablespoon of bath base and pour into a water container.
  • Take a foot bath for 15 minutes. Mix 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a tablespoon of bath base or vegetable oil and pour into a basin of hot water.

If the fever persists for several days or exceeds 38.5°, consult a doctor quickly. Be careful; test only one of these methods and not all of them simultaneously. Essential oils are prohibited for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as for children. Be careful!

Bring Down Fever With Homeopathy

As for homeopathy, Aconitum 9 CH, to be taken every 3 to 6 hours, is useful in case of sudden and very high fever. When the fever begins to fall, and you begin to sweat, you must take Belladonna 9 CH, at a dose of 5 granules, to be repeated every hour. Finally, in case of low fever, it would be preferable to take Ferrum Phosphoricum 9 CH. It is always advisable to consult a doctor in case of a high fever.

Other Tips To Lower The Fever

Drink Enough

Remember to drink a lot and regularly to avoid dehydration. Choose soups, broths, herbal teas, and mineral water. Replenishing lost fluids by drinking or even fresh fruit juices, preferably organic and in season, is necessary.

Let The Skin Breathe

Don’t go overboard with pajamas and blankets. Avoid covering yourself too much or, on the contrary, catching a cold. Let the skin breathe so the heat can disperse.

Bringing Down The Fever: Grandmother’s Remedies

The classic grandmother’s remedy is to lower the fever by contact with a cold (sponges, ice, or cold, wet cloth). They are useless since fever is a central, not peripheral, increase in body temperature. And also counterproductive because they cause chills and, therefore, a further increase in temperature, as well as the malaise in the child.

To relieve a high fever, it is advisable to drink an infusion of basil and ginger. Finally, Grandma was thinking of potatoes. Raw slices placed on the forehead and on the soles of the feet, fixed with gauze, are said to help reduce fever, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of this tuber. These are useless remedies whose real effectiveness is not proven.

Garlic And Fever

Excellent as an antibiotic and ally against high fevers, garlic is another panacea when we are victims of the flu since it also promotes sweating. Eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach morning and evening, or boil it with half a glass of milk, also vegetables. Drink when hot.

Fever And Vinegar

Another home remedy is to make foot baths with water and apple cider vinegar or hot baths with 1 glass of vinegar and a handful of salt dissolved in the tub. White vinegar is also recommended to make a syrup to consume in case of fever. Mix 2 teaspoons with 1 tablespoon of honey and consume slightly dissolved in warm water 2-3 times daily.

Also Read: Let Children’s Fever Vent Well With These Simple & Ancient Natural Remedies

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