Don’t cover them up too much. Make them drink a lot. Please don’t force them with food. And don’t be worried. If the fever rises, talk to your doctor first.
Natural Remedies Against Children’s Fever
Due to constant temperature changes, many children find themselves dealing with the flu. And the fever is known, especially if the child is very young; it always creates a lot of anxiety in the parents. But how to intervene in case of high fever? And above all, when is it necessary to seek medical care, and when can fever also be treated naturally? Even the simple remedies of the grandmother are often sufficient to bring down the temperature and make the little one feel better.
What Is Fever, And Why Does It Happen
It is essential to know that fever is not a disease (if anything, a symptom of a disease) but a natural defense of the body, a reaction of the organism to defend itself against infections: the increase in temperature helps to destroy germs. In general, we talk about fever after 37 degrees of body temperature and the need to take drugs only at higher levels and, in any case, after consulting the general practitioner. Never with one’s initiative.
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How To Treat Children’s Fever In A Natural Way
Fever and doctors explain this well, and need to run its course, during which it is worth following helpful advice to treat it in children simply and naturally and avoid their discomfort.
- First of all, do not cover the baby too much. The warmth of extra blankets, than usual, or super heavy pajamas, is counterproductive. With the tenths of a fever, the child needs to disperse the heat, not accumulate more.
- Try to make him drink a lot. Children tend to become dehydrated more quickly than adults with a fever. Space, therefore, for water, fruit juices, freshly squeezed juices, chicken broth, chamomile and hot milk.
- A separate discussion about drinking hot herbal teas deserve. They also do very well in this phase because fever usually goes with a sore throat, headache and general malaise. The best herbal teas as a natural remedy for children’s fever are chamomile, cinnamon, eucalyptus, centaury, gentian, rhododendron, mint, elderberry and lime.
- Don’t force children to eat them. Loss of appetite is part of the fever symptoms, so you only risk doing damage. Instead, try some dishes that the child particularly likes. And with small doses.
- To relieve the baby, you can try to practice refreshing sponging. The areas where to intervene are the forehead, wrists, calves and ankles.
- Keep the children at rest but not necessarily in bed: the important thing is that the environment in which they are located has the right temperature.
- Do not show nervousness or worry because this way, you risk irritating the baby and crying favors the increase in temperature.
Remedies For Children’s Fever
But, despite the reassurances of pediatricians, fever in children is still one of the factors that most frightens and creates anxiety in parents. And it is to help them understand how to behave to manage the fever emergency in children that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published guidelines that have focused mainly on the distinction between cases in which fever derives from viral infections that pass on their own without leaving consequences and those in which fever could be considered as the alarm bell of a disease that requires more investigation.
Here are the tips contained in the guidelines on how to treat fever in children :
- The fever becomes a wake-up Call when it reaches 38 ° C in babies up to 3 months and 39 ° C in those from 3 to 6 months.
- From 7 months on, on the other hand, in addition to the increase in temperature, other symptoms must also be present such as breathing difficulties, severe abnormalities in the color of the skin and mucous membranes, neck stiffness and alterations in the state of consciousness or interactions of the child with the others to go to the pediatrician immediately.
- It is also necessary to consider the heart rate: the risk of more severe disease increases if it exceeds 160 beats per minute under one year of age, 150 between one and two years and 140 from two years upwards.
- On the other hand, you are in the situation where the child has a very high fever, but there are no other warning signs such as those described above; it may be that it is a sixth disease, a disease that generally disappears in a few days.
- Also, remember that the two antipyretic drugs authorized in children under the age of 6 are paracetamol and ibuprofen: they must be used to counteract the child’s malaise and only as long as the malaise lasts; otherwise, you can have other complications due to incorrect use. Drugs.
- It is essential always to follow the instructions on how to use the drugs and respect the interval times in the administration.
- Finally, avoid easy and sometimes useless administration of antibiotics at the slightest sign of discomfort in the child.
Also Read: Fever: Causes, Treatment & Things Worth Knowing