Lose weight and still not give up bread and cake? This works out! As? Read it yourself.
It sounds too good to be true: getting slimmer and still being able to snack on bread, rolls, cakes, and the like. But can you lose weight while continuing to eat bread and cake? That’s fine. The only thing that matters is the right ingredients. You can find out here how you no longer have to do without anything when losing weight.
Suppose you want to continue eating bread and cake while on a diet. You must rethink a little, especially if it’s a low-carb diet, because the diet bread or cake should be whole without wheat flour and industrial sugar. Don’t worry: the low-carb treats are in no way inferior to their high-carb counterparts and taste just as delicious.
Almond flour, coconut flour, and cucumber flour (suitable substitute for starch): These wheat flour alternatives look like flour but have significantly fewer carbohydrates, more protein, and are high in fibre.
Since they have different ingredients, they also behave differently when baking than wheat flour, and “normal” recipes cannot be adopted 1:1. The rule of thumb is 50 g wheat flour = approx. 1 tbsp coconut flour = approx. 35 g almond flour.
Sweeteners such as erythritol and xylitol are low-calorie sweeteners that have little effect on blood sugar levels, preventing cravings. Honey, birch sugar or coconut blossom syrup are also suitable for sweetening.
Flea seed shells are also suitable for alternative cakes and loaves of bread, as they have a very high swelling property and fill you up for a long time, as well as low-fat quark and apple sauce.
Despite healthy and calorie-reduced ingredients, you should not eat bread and cakes exclusively during a diet. If you want to lose weight permanently and, above all, healthily, you cannot avoid a long-term change in diet.
Even during a diet, you should continue to consume all the essential nutrients to avoid a deficiency. Most diets fail because certain foods are forbidden. The “healthy” bread and cake recipes should only be seen as an accompaniment to a change in diet, as a kind of “goodie” if you crave sweets.
Silke Restemeyer from the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) knows: “It depends on the right amount of food – then everything is allowed.” This means that vegetables, fruit, or low-fat dairy products can be eaten several times a day, while fast food or sweets should only end up on the plate rarely and in small portions.
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For The Dough:
For the glaze:
Tip: Leave the chocolate cake in the fridge for at least one or two days before eating. If you like, you can garnish the cake with fruit afterward.
It is even lower in calories if you replace sour cream with sour cream.
Ingredients For One Loaf:
Ingredients For Ten Pieces:
Tip: After cooling, dip the balls in melted dark chocolate and sprinkle with finely chopped nuts.
Ingredients For Six Pieces:
Tip: You can save even more calories if you replace the cream quark with a low-fat quark.
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