HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSMango: Calories And Health Benefits

Mango: Calories And Health Benefits

The mango is the second favorite tropical fruit of the French, after the banana. Let’s discover the health benefits of the so-called “tropical peach”, its nutritional composition and its harmful effects if abused! Mango is the product of the mango tree, the most significant part of which fills in India. In France, about 3,500 tons of mango are created every year in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte.

There are numerous mango assortments whose skin goes from green to red through yellow and orange. This skin isn’t edible and must be taken out while tasting the natural product. Its tissue is dependably orange-yellow, delicate and sweet when ready. Each natural product gauges an average of 400g, with varieties going from 300g to 2kg!


  • It is suitable for the heart: thanks to its soluble fibers (the content of which increases with maturity), which helps limit cardiovascular risks by reducing the level of bad cholesterol and the potassium it contains a blood pressure.
  • It is excellent for eyesight and the skin: its high beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, prevents macular degeneration, which is common in the elderly and allows the skin to prepare for the sun by making it look good.
  • It is antioxidant: the vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and polyphenols it contains give it antioxidant properties, helpful in neutralizing free radicals and preventing the effects of aging.

Anti-cancer: it is again its fibers and antioxidants that help reduce the risk of certain cancers.


The mango provides an average of 64 calories per 100g, slightly more than the apple, which has 53 calories per 100g. The sugar level and, therefore, the caloric value of the mango varies according to its degree of ripeness: the riper it is, the sweeter it is. Note that the mango is a climacteric fruit, i.e. it continues to ripen after it is picked.

Benefits Of Mango Juice

Like all fruits, it is always better to bite into fruit than drink it. Why? In juice, the fruit loses a large part of its fibers and vitamins, including the very fragile vitamin C, which oxidizes quickly in the open air. In addition, the glycemic index of fruit juice increases considerably: the sugar passes very quickly into the blood. It causes blood sugar levels to skyrocket, resulting in heartaches and cravings. If you want to drink mango juice, prefer a smoothie that retains the pulp and fiber, and drink it immediately after preparation!

Benefits Of Dried Mango

When dried, the mango loses much of its water, which concentrates its nutrient, mineral and vitamin content. We, therefore, have, for the same weight, a food richer in calories and sugar but also denser in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Dried mango is, therefore, very interesting in the event of physical activity, as a snack for children, in the event of a stroke or even when hiking, slipped into a backpack.

Benefits Of Mango Leaf Tea

Rich in tannins, anthocyanidins are known for their effect on diabetes; mango leaves also contain ethyl acetate, positively affecting glycogen synthesis and treating hyperglycemia. The infusion would therefore be recommended for all people with high blood sugar, pre-diabetes or even diabetes.

Please note that it does not replace drug treatment. Mango leaves would also have a hypotensive effect and would help relieve coughs and mild respiratory problems.

Instructions: infuse a few mango leaves in 250 ml of boiling water for a few minutes, then filter. It’s ready!

Please note: plants are not trivial remedies. Please do not take them without medical advice during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and do not give them to the child either. Respect the dosages and seek advice from a pharmacist or doctor if in doubt.

Contraindications And Harms If You Overeat Mango

Mango is moderately caloric, sweet, and rich in nutritional interests, so its consumption has no contraindications. However, his skin is loaded with irritating substances (oleoresins). It is essential to peel it before tasting it and to avoid any contact between the skin and the lips. Some susceptible people will even have to avoid touching it at the risk of causing dermatitis.

Also Read: Calorie Table Fruit: So Many Calories Are In Apples, Strawberries & Co.

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