Running is, without a doubt, one of the most popular sports in the world. The low cost and the possibility of practicing anywhere lead more and more people to adhere to a weekly running exercise routine.
The different individuals involved in this practice may be looking for better maintenance of good health or athletic performance.
Increased strength and muscle mass, lower body fat, more aerobic fitness, reduced fatigue and increased quality of life, among other factors, are regularly mentioned as goals intended by these athletes. Depending on each individual’s goals, adjustments to the eating routine may be necessary. Longer workouts require good condition. In most cases, running is a long-term sport. Practitioners seek sufficient physical conditioning to complete a specific route and should be concerned with energy support, that is, nutrients that meet the needs created by this machine.
Dietary care can be “divided” between providing macro and micronutrients. A long-distance runner will need a lot of energy/calories supplied by carbohydrates, proteins and fats. But this population also has an excellent need for micronutrients: vitamins and minerals!
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Carbohydrates are used as a preferential way to supply energy to muscle cells. A carbohydrate-rich diet is essential for high athletic performance and maintaining performance levels.
Proteins are digested and transformed into amino acids. These elements are used within the contraction and relaxation process. An adequate amount of these elements will postpone the onset of peripheral muscle fatigue. In addition, these nutrients are responsible for muscle recovery – that’s right, you know that pain you feel the day after training? This could be related to a lack of protein!
Fats are highly energetic elements; they still participate in the metabolism of hormones, and vitamins, among other benefits. Contrary to what some people think, even if your goal is to reduce body weight, your diet should be something other than fat-free!
Good quality carbohydrates: sweet potatoes, parsley potatoes, yacon potatoes, cassava, oats, wheat germ, whole grain pasta/bread/rice, seeds in general (chia, linseed, sesame), vegetables and fruits (all).
High biological value proteins: egg white, lean beef, chicken, fish, skimmed milk and derivatives, protein supplements.
Good quality fats: extra virgin olive oil, oily fruits, vegetable oils, avocado.
Micronutrients should be provided by vegetable foods such as vegetables, fruits, greens, and vegetables, among other food groups. The recommendation for those who train hard would be at least 11 servings of vegetables daily. The problem is that many people can only consume some of this. At that moment, the consumption of food supplements, such as multivitamins/multivitamins or isolated vitamin and mineral supplements, is very well indicated.
Basic tips:
Also Read: How To Avoid Common Injuries When Running