HomeBEAUTY TIPSSafe Piercings: How To Prevent Complications

Safe Piercings: How To Prevent Complications

Sometimes piercing is more and more complicated. But getting pierced is nonetheless a minor trauma for the body. It is, therefore, better to ask the right questions and take some precautions before taking action.

Choosing the Right Piercer

For obvious reasons of hygiene and safety, the choice of the piercer is therefore essential. The new regulations in force now require piercers to declare their activity to the prefecture and to have followed a short specific training. The piercing salon must include an independent room, exclusively reserved for carrying out interventions.

The material used must be sterile and disposable. So many points to check before starting. The main thing here: to feel confident.

How’s it going?

After explaining the procedure and recommended the care to be followed, the piercer begins by cleaning and disinfecting the affected area. He will then mark the point of drilling using a particular marker, then isolate the place with a pliers pair.

Then comes the piercing moment: the piercer then introduces the needle or the catheter, then he installs the jewel. Finally, he cleans the wound and optionally applies a bandage.

The Healing of the Piercing

It can be longer or shorter depending on the location, but it always requires meticulous care. To avoid complications, a single watchword: impeccable hygiene.

The basic rules:

  • It is essential to wash your hands, before, but also after handling the jewel.
  • Avoid constantly “playing” or pulling on the piercing.
  • To avoid “catching” the piercing, avoid wearing clothes that are too tight.
  • Never apply alcohol to clean the wound or any fatty substance (such as cream or moisturizer) during healing.


  • Rinse first with lukewarm water to gently remove secretions and other small dry scabs.
  • Then wash: use a special antibacterial soap for this and rotate the piercing on itself. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Finally, gently dry with a gauze pad.

For Lingual Piercings:

  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol immediately after the procedure.
  • Prefer foods that are easy to chew during the first few days, and if possible, neither too hot nor too cold. And proceed with mouthwash after each meal.

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The risks of Piercing

Serious complications following a piercing are rare, but they do exist. Beyond more or less severe bleeding, the significant risk remains infection. This can be of bacterial origin (contamination by streptococcus or staphylococcus) or viral ( hepatitis B or hepatitis C, herpes, HIV, etc.) and have serious health consequences. The new regulations to which piercers are subject should further limit these risks.

Note: Certain parts of the body such as the mucous membranes (tongue, private parts, etc.) or the navel are more conducive to developing bacteria. This is why impeccable hygiene during drilling, but also afterwards, is essential.


Specific diseases that can affect the body’s immune defence system, such as diabetes, cancer, certain skin diseases ( eczema, psoriasis, etc.), blood, and AIDS, can be obstacles to achieving of a piercing.

Likewise, the taking of certain drugs, in particular anticoagulants, constitute contraindications to piercing.

Finally, as a precautionary principle, any intervention should be avoided during pregnancy, particularly at the navel level. The distension of the abdomen can indeed cause an inflammation of the tissues and become a source of infection.

Our advice:

  • Use word of mouth. It’s still the best way to find someone you trust.
  • Do not hesitate to ask all the questions that concern you to the piercer: he must be able to answer you.
  • Ask to visit the premises to ensure that the premises are well maintained and see if you feel comfortable enough to take the plunge.
  • Take some time to think about it if you “don’t feel it” right now, come back later. There is no emergency.

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