Do you often have tired legs, especially in the evening? Are they perhaps swollen and painful? Here you can find out what helps against it.
If you are out and about all day, your legs will feel tired, heavy, and maybe even swollen in the evening. That’s how millions of people feel. In principle, this is no reason to worry because this is often due to a harmless overload. But tired legs can also be a harbinger of severe vein problems.
Pay attention to your body and see how often you have tired legs. You should consult a doctor if you experience other symptoms such as pain or cramps in addition to tired legs.
If you continue reading, we’ll tell you what you can do yourself against tired legs and how you can prevent it.
If you cannot avoid sitting for a long time, for example, because you have to sit a lot in your job, then try to train your leg muscles to activate the muscle pump. Take every opportunity to take a few steps. Instead of calling or chatting, skip the elevator and take the stairs or walk around the table to your colleague.
Classic contrast showers stimulate blood circulation, which in turn helps against tired legs. Kneipp therapy would also be an ideal measure to strengthen the leg veins.
A light massage can also activate your tired legs. Ideally, it would be best if you also used a vein gel, which you massage in gently.
There are also simple exercises that you can do while sitting.
Try putting your legs up for a few minutes during your lunch break if you can. This allows the blood to flow back. So that your colleagues are not surprised or frightened, you can tell them that too. Maybe a few of them know the tired legs of themselves and join. Or you can regularly do short exercises together or remind each other to exercise more.
If you cannot adjust your work table to your height and your legs dangle slightly, you should buy a footrest that relieves your back.
Try to incorporate more exercise into your everyday life and free time. Gentle endurance sports such as walking, swimming, or cycling are perfect. You could also plan your commute or commute with more movement. Bike to work or meet co-workers on a street corner, and you’ll walk the rest of the way together.
Wear comfortable clothing and well-fitting shoes. Belts or waistbands should never constrict, as this disrupts the blood flow.
The veins in the legs have to perform at their best. Every day they have to pump the body’s blood back against gravity, which amounts to several thousand litres. Suppose you have an increased hereditary risk of venous disease. In that case, you should not increase the pressure further, for example, through strength training, because strenuous strength training is anything but ideal for the prevention of an existing vein problem, as it only increases the pressure on the veins.
There are many causes of tired legs:
Take care of your body, drink enough water, and exercise regularly. Even on long flights, you should take every opportunity to exercise, and it can protect you from serious illnesses.