HomeBEAUTY TIPSDanger! These Foods Cause Oily Skin And Pimples

Danger! These Foods Cause Oily Skin And Pimples

Do oily skin and pimples plague you? Have you already gone through a lot in terms of skincare, but the nasty skin blemishes don’t want to go away? Because yes, it can be to blame for your skin problem. This is because certain foods trigger increased oil production, producing excess sebum that collects in the pores and can lead to pimples and acne.

Oily Skin & Pimples: You Should Avoid These Foods


Salt is almost everywhere, and we often add salt to very salty dishes – an absolute no-go because excess salt can lead to dehydration, water retention, and puffy bags under the eyes. And what does our skin do when it dries out? Right, especially re-oiling. In the future, it is better to do without the extra portion of salt and instead season with herbs.

Red Meat

Red meat, like sausage, beef, lamb, and bacon, is high in saturated fat. These increase the inflammation in the skin and again ensure excess sebum production. Better: poultry or fish.


Of course, it’s no secret that sugar is terrible for our health. But it can also have severe consequences for our skin. Research has shown that foods with a very high sugar content increase the production of IGF-1, a peptide hormone that causes an overproduction of sebum and, therefore, breakouts. Instead of the chocolate bar in the afternoon, treat yourself to an apple with peanut butter or oatmeal cookies.

Dairy Products

Even if it sounds strange, Whole milk is healthier than skimmed milk. In fat-reduced milk, like in sugar, there is a more significant amount of the peptide hormone IGF-1. As a result, the skin becomes oily and greasy, pores clog, and pimples develop. It is better to use milk alternatives such as almond or oat milk.

Also Read: The Best Skincare Routine To Follow After 30


Carbohydrates found in white bread, white pasta, or white rice not only make you fat and sluggish in the long run but also make your skin greasy and oily. It is better to switch to brown pasta so that the body does not produce excess sebum.

Can Chocolate Cause Pimples?

There is no evidence that chocolate affects acne-prone skin at an average rate, causing breakouts and pimples. On the contrary: Thanks to the high cocoa content, there are many antioxidants in dark chocolate in particular, which protect the skin and counteract premature skin aging. On the other hand, white chocolate, which contains more sugar than cocoa, has no positive effects and should be treated like candy.

Can Drinking Water Reduce The Signs Of Acne-Prone Skin And Pimples?

Adequate hydration in the form of water or unsweetened tea is essential for overall health and the normal functioning of the skin. However, drinking water alone does not make pimples and acne signs disappear, nor does it unclog pores of excess sebum.

Are Fish Oils Good For Your Skin?

Fish oils can help reduce impure and acne-prone skin. Oily fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep all body systems healthy, including the skin. For cleaner, smoother skin and fewer pimples and impurities, it is best to eat salmon or tuna several times a week. As a vegan alternative, flaxseed and walnuts are good sources of omega-3.

Do Dietary Supplementary Help Against Acne And Pimples?

Impure, acne-prone skin often lacks vitamin D, vitamin A or zinc – especially if you are vegan or eat a somewhat unbalanced diet. If your acne is due to a nutrient deficiency, supplementation with the appropriate high-dose vitamins and minerals can make sense – but you should have this clarified by a doctor beforehand with a blood test to avoid overdosing. In principle, however, a balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables is more advisable to provide the skin with all the essential nutrients and prevent pimples and acne since the availability of nutrients is higher in natural foods, and their composition is more balanced.

Can Greasy Foods Promote Blemished Skin?

A common rumor about pimples and acne is that eating greasy food also leads to increased sebum production and oily skin. You also have to differentiate between the quality of fats: while unsaturated fatty acids from nuts and vegetable oils, for example, are considered very healthy and can contribute to clear skin, saturated fatty acids from sausages, chips, or fried foods can trigger micro-inflammation in the body and skin. These, in turn, can promote acne-prone skin and pimples.

Also Read: 10 Tips For Well-Hydrated Skin

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