What Are The Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat?


The loss of the belly is often a criterion of motivation to get into the sport. A poor diet, regular alcohol consumption, and lack of physical activity often lead to stomach and weight gain.

When you want to lose weight, you think very regularly about the diet (whatever it is). However, diets are not effective and very unsustainable without regular physical activity over time. Fortunately, you can do many simple exercises to lose belly fat and regain your figure.

Discover in this new article the best exercises to lose belly. These exercises are not miracle exercises. Indeed, one cannot choose an area of ​​​​the body where to lose weight. Weight loss takes place throughout the body. Some activities, however, only promote abdominal strengthening.


Burpees are an excellent exercise to lose belly quickly because they solicit all the muscles of The Body :

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Bend your knees into a squat position and adopt a plank position.
  • Bring your feet back to the starting position and jump as high as possible.

For more information, our blog article on burpees is available.

Beyond the muscular aspect, this exercise takes on its whole meaning when repeated. It’s a great cardio exercise. You can also perform this exercise in HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). This increases your calorie expenditure and accustoms your body to a more sustained pace of activity, which helps you lose belly fat.


Core exercises are also excellent exercises for belly loss. Indeed, sheathing makes it possible to target the abdominal muscles mainly.

You slim down your waistline and lose belly fat by strengthening your abs. Discover our top 5 cladding exercises:

  • The board
  • The pumps
  • The mountain climber
  • The side cladding
  • The crunches

Also Read: Five Intense Exercises For A Flat Stomach

Walking Or Running

You probably wonder why running or walking could make you lose belly fat. As we said, it is impossible to target a particular body area to lose fat and weight. Physical activity, in general, makes you lose your belly.

So when you walk or run, you burn calories (energy expenditure), which leads to weight loss over time. So you lose belly fat and other body parts. Try to include several moments of walking or running in your training program; this also increases your energy metabolism (your body then consumes more calories).

Running is more effective than walking, but the latter is not so far behind. The advantage of these two exercises is that they require very little equipment to perform. A good pair of shoes is enough!

The Bike

Like walking and running, cycling is a fat-burning cardio exercise. This exercise allows a significant caloric expenditure conducive to weight loss and, therefore, a loss of belly. The advantage is that cycling causes fewer back and joint problems than running outdoors or indoors.

Supplements for belly loss?

There are indeed dietary supplements for belly and weight loss. Just know that these will only be effective if you have adopted healthy and regular nutrition and sports program. These food supplements accelerate the process of weight loss by active ingredients like green tea, caffeine, carnitine or to reduce the appetite.

Fat Burners

As their name suggests, fat burners promote accelerated fat and weight loss through their thermogenic effect. These fat burners help increase metabolism and lead to more significant calorie expenditure.

They are usually made with caffeine, green tea extract, synephrine, and others…

One thing is sure; fat burners are effective only if you have adopted a healthy and balanced diet and if you practice regular physical activity. These food supplements are useless if your diet is mainly composed of fast food.


L-carnitine works by transporting fatty acids to the mitochondria of the cell. There they are converted into energy by the principle of beta-oxidation. This converts fat into energy (fuel) for workouts. The majority of the body’s L-carnitine (98%) is stored in muscle cells.

Carnitine is to be taken 30 minutes before the sports session.

Dietary Pleasures

Be careful; dietary pleasures do not make you lose weight directly or lose belly. It must be understood that when you start a new food plan to lose weight and destock abdominal fat, it sometimes happens that the lack of small pleasures is felt.

Dietary pleasures make it possible to compensate for caloric products such as ultra-sweet chocolate bars, candies, etc., with 0-calorie products. So you reduce your total calorie intake, you no longer feel like you are depriving yourself, and you see your food program less as a burden.

Also Read: How To Get Fit And Lose Weight With Five Simple Exercises

Other Tips For Belly Loss

Generally speaking, it is necessary to burn more calories than you consume for effective belly loss. The objective is simple to obtain a slight caloric deficit to prevent new fats from being stored and destroy the present fats.

Also, make sure you have a good sleep and have a good night’s sleep. Too short or incomplete nights can cause you to consume calorie-dense and nutritious foods, thus sabotaging your efforts to lose belly fat. Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

If you’re feeling stressed, don’t tempt yourself to eat more to relieve yourself, this will break the pace of weight loss. Instead, adopt meditation or yoga exercises to de-stress.

Finally, reduce your alcohol consumption and try, if possible, to eat more at home. You will be able to control your calorie intake more precisely than if you eat out by preparing healthy meals.