HomeFITNESSBut After All, What Is A Fitness Food?

But After All, What Is A Fitness Food?

A Fit preparation is nothing more than a preparation inspired by traditional gastronomy, with the substitution of common ingredients for functional foods, capable of promoting an improvement in consumers’ health, without neglecting all care with the taste and its presentation.

The great purpose of Gastronomia Fit is to demystify the idea that healthy meals are bland or tasteless, which results in better adherence to food plans and has also conquered an increasing number of interested people.

What Are The Fitness Food Categories?

Fit Foods have several categories, such as preparations:

  • Thermogenics: Improve performance in physical or mental activities. For example, Bulletproof Coffee and Shots.
  • High Protein: They improve the gain and maintenance of lean mass. Example: Salted Maromba, egg whites juice, and protein shakes.
  • Low Carb: Preparations with low carbohydrate content. Example: Eggplant lasagna and vegetable spaghetti.

What Can’t Be Missing From A Fitness Menu?

For any prescription and formatting of a food plan, the follow-up of a nutrition professional is necessary to help, in the most appropriate way, the quantity and specificity of the chosen foods to promote the evolution and achievement of the desired objectives.

But, we can also understand that a Fit Diet is built on healthy habits and balanced choices, composed of natural foods, a good variety of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, good nutrients, and spices, low in fat and sodium, enriched with grains, whole grains, and seeds.

For those looking to gain lean mass, the recommendation is a rich plan about consuming lean proteins, which are nutrients responsible for muscle synthesis. Remember to invest in the consumption of good fats, such as olive oil and peanut butter. And oilseeds, in addition to complex carbohydrates (rich in fiber), such as cassava, brown rice, yams, and sweet potatoes.

Those who want to lose weight should have a plan calculated based on a caloric deficit.

And What Are The Prohibited Foods In Fitness Food?

Preparations rich in refined sugars, simple carbohydrates, and saturated and multi-processed fats are not “welcome” in this type of diet.

Do Nutritional Supplements Count In Fitness Food?

The term supplement, by definition, means ‘what it supplies, what serves to fill a lack’; therefore, its use and indication must be done by a professional capable of calculating the needs and knowing its effective performance; its prescription is highly individualized.

In most cases, natural food can meet all the macro and micronutrient needs of the individual.

The excessive and indiscriminate consumption of substances that supplement food can, instead of improving, cause damage to health, such as hyper vitamins, kidney stones, and liver and kidney damage.

Physical Activity AND Diet Fitness

Physical activity and Fit eating do not have a mandatory relationship! You can build a super healthy and ‘cured’ body without necessarily having a ‘fit’ food on the menu. It is also worth remembering that physical activity is not a priority or specific to a type of person, age group, or body pattern.

Physical activity is essential for maintaining and often recovering a state of physical, mental, and emotional health.

For children, it is essential for neural and motor development; in adolescents, it improves self-esteem and helps in the knowledge and development of their bodies. It is necessary for the formation of healthy habits.

In adults, they help to improve strength and muscle tone and flexibility, strengthen bones and joints and in the elderly, reduce the risk of depression, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and some types of cancer, being for all ages a chance to expand the social environment and make friends.

How Long Should I Eat Before Training?

It depends on the choices you want to make! If you have little time, around 15/20 minutes, between meals and physical activity, choose foods that bring fast energy, fruits such as bananas and pineapples are an excellent option.

If you have a little more time, something like 30/40 minutes, you can add some protein, like yogurt or cheese, and if that meal is even further away from your training time, add fiber and fats like oatmeal and pasta. Peanuts, for example.

Respecting personal individuality is extremely important; training on an empty stomach, for some, can cause hypoglycemia and dizziness, while practicing on a full stomach can cause reflux, nausea, and vomiting.

Also Read: Fitness Food: Understand One Of The Fastest Growing Sectors

Healthy Naps
Healthy Napshttps://www.healthynaps.com
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