HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSMint Herbal Tea: Why Drink It And How To Prepare It

Mint Herbal Tea: Why Drink It And How To Prepare It

Mint herbal tea is a digestive remedy that benefits the airways and is also a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink.

The Mint Plant

Mint is an aromatic and medicinal plant from the Lamiaceae or Labiatae family. The genus Mentha includes several species of mint and various hybrids, including:

  • Mentha spicata
  • Peppermint
  • Mentha aquatica

Perennial plants are characterized by quadrangular stems, opposite leaves and flowers collected in terminal or axillary cymes. Mint leaves have glandular hairs on both the upper and lower leaves, which contain essential oil. Mint plants are grown in various parts of the world to extract the essential mint oil from which menthol is obtained, and dried leaves are used to prepare teas and extracts.

Properties Of Mint

Mint Contains Essential Oil But Also:

  • Tannins
  • Bitter substances
  • Flavonoids and other substances

The phytocomplex, i.e. the set of active ingredients, determines its properties and benefits.

In Particular, Mint Has Properties

  • Spasmolytic
  • Antiseptic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Carminative

The properties of mint justify its use, especially for digestive disorders: mint is, in fact, a valuable remedy for abdominal pain, impaired digestion, accumulation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and symptoms related to irritable bowel syndrome. However, mint is also a valid remedy against muscle, rheumatic and neuralgia pains, headaches and flu symptoms such as colds and coughs.

Externally, Mint Is Used For Its Properties

  • Refreshing
  • Antiseptics
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Deodorants

It is used, for example, for oral hygiene in toothpaste, mouthwashes, skincare, and in cases of mycosis and dermatitis that cause itching.

Mint Herbal Tea: How To Prepare It

Now let’s see how mint tea is made. To prepare mint tea, infuse the dried leaves in hot water for about fifteen minutes. After the infusion, the leaves are filtered, and the injection is consumed.

The dose of the plant to be used is equal to 1.5 grams of dried herb for each cup of water; you can drink up to four cups of infusion a day. The injection can also be prepared with fresh leaves, using 2-3 grams. Other herbs can also be added to mint tea, including:

  • Sage
  • Marigold
  • Chamomile
  • Fennel fruit

Depending on the disorder to be treated. Mint tastes pleasant, but the herbal tea can bE honeyed if desired.

Mint Herbal Tea: Properties And When To Drink It

What is mint tea good for? Peppermint tea can aid against various ailments and is used in particular in cases of dyspepsia (poor digestion) and intestinal spasms to stimulate the production and secretion of bile and combat bad breath.

When To Drink Mint Tea?

The herbal tea can be consumed after main meals to work on digestive disorders, but it can also be drunk during the day to refresh and stimulate diuresis. To quench your thirst and refresh yourself in the summer, it is possible to drink the cold mint infusion, prepared as we have already seen, and then let it cool after filtering the leaves.


Mint is considered a safe remedy and does not present particular risks if the recommended dosages are respected. However, its use is not recommended in cases of individual sensitivity and people suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers, hiatal hernia, gastric reflux, and gallstones. Prolonged use should be avoided if you suffer from constipation, iron deficiency anemia and insomnia. Although mint finds indications to combat nausea, it is recommended to take this remedy only after a doctor’s prescription during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Finally, mint should not be used in children under four.

Mint And Lemon Herbal Tea

Herbal tea with mint and lemon can be prepared by adding lemon zest or fresh lemon juice after the infusion of mint leaves. The lemon zest contains essential oil, which, in addition to having a good scent, enhances the digestive properties of the herbal tea. Lemon is, in fact, a digestive and antispasmodic remedy that helps regulate appetite, promote digestion and fight nausea. The herbal tea with mint and lemon can also be used externally for its antiseptic, healing action and to stimulate microcirculation.

Mint And Rosemary Herbal Tea

The herbal tea with mint and rosemary is prepared by adding a teaspoon of dried rosemary leaves to the dried mint leaves and is consumed after main meals. Rosemary has the following properties:

  • Carminatives;
  • Digestive;
  • Choleretics;
  • Antispasmodics

Helpful in improving digestion, such as mint; the rosemary plant also has an antiseptic and balsamic action, which is why the infusion of mint and rosemary can also be helpful in the case of respiratory system diseases. Externally, mint and rosemary tea can be used for tonic and stimulating baths, deodorant footbaths, to treat oily scalp and hair and as a mouthwash for oral hygiene.

Mint Tea

Mint tea is prepared with dried leaves of green tea and mint and is a digestive, stimulating and refreshing drink. Mint tea is traditionally consumed in Morocco, but it is also highly appreciated by us both for its properties and decidedly pleasant flavor. The original recipe calls for an initial infusion of the tea leaves to which sugar and mint leaves are added, brought to the boil again, and the extraction completed. On the market, teas are already added with mint leaves: in this case, just leave a spoonful of the mixture to infuse in hot water.

Also Read: What Drinks To Avoid When Traveling Overseas For Your First Time

Healthy Naps
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